St. Raphael Parish

If you are a newcomer to our parish, please accept our invitation to introduce yourself to a member of our staff. We are confident that you will find a welcoming spirit that is reflected in liturgical hospitality, inclusion and most of all, to those with special challenges. We pray that as you join our parish in prayer, sacrament and presence that you will also grace us with your talents and support according to your means.

To register as a parishioner, click HERE for our Registration form PDF, or click HERE to submit an email request and we will send you a registration form via email. You can also call the Parish Center Office and we will be happy to mail it out to you.


Mass Schedule

October - May
Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday:  7:30 AM, 9:15 AM, 11:30 AM & 5:00 PM
Daily Mass: Wednesday-Saturday at 8:00 AM

June - September
Saturday: 4:00 PM

Sunday:   8:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM
Daily Mass: Wednesday-Saturday at 8:00 AM 

Mass Schedule for Friday, November 1:
8:00 AM, 9:30 AM School Mass, 12:00 PM & 7:00 PM

2024 Grand Annual Letter  please click here 

Saint Raphael Parish is off to a good start with the 2024 Grand Annual collection.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. If you have not made a donation yet,
please consider
doing so. If you are not able to donate in person or mail it,
please utilize our online giving option. 

Thank you!



The Archdiocese of Boston is beginning its Inquirer Program for men interested in becoming deacons with over a dozen meeting across the Archiocese. For more information, please click on the link below.

The Saint Raphael Children’s Choir and “One Voice” are welcoming new members to MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE!!
Children’s Choir sings at the 9:15am mass beginning October 1 (8:45am arrival time)
Choir is open to grades K-8
Rehearsals are Mondays from 3pm-4pm in the church
Songs will be taught during rehearsals and listening to the recordings of the songs is highly encouraged throughout the week
Song selections for Sunday mass will be available for listening & learning the Monday night before on Spotify Playlist: SRCC
"One Voice" sings at the 5pm mass (ongoing)
Choir is open to high school-adult
Singers and musicians welcome.  Singers must be able to confidently learn and sing multiple songs per week.  Musicians must be able to confidently play their instrument.  
Rehearsal begins at 4pm on Sundays in the church
Songs will be sung together and harmony added during rehearsals.  Listening & learning the melody is required prior to rehearsal. Song selections for Sunday mass will be available for listening & learning the Monday night before on Spotify Playlist: SR5PM

Both groups follow a “come when you can, don’t worry if you can’t” attendance policy.  
Contact Nicole Panico for more information or to sign up at: or 617-750-2043  


Coffee Hour - the first Sunday of every month

Please join us for coffee & munchkins in the courtyard on the first Sunday of every month!
This is a great opportunity for parishioners and visitors to our church to connect with
friends new and old. This will take place following the morning Masses.

We hope to see you!

Our Mission

“Saint Raphael is a Catholic community committed, with God’s grace, to living gospel values and sharing these with all people. As a Eucharistic people united in faith and worship, we affirm the gifts of the Spirit among us and celebrate the uniqueness of each of our members. Supporting one another in love, we strive to respect and use these diverse gifts in joyful service to those within our parish and beyond.”

Secure Online Giving

Click to Give - Thank You!


My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. Embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. 



Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap.
Archbishop of Boston
66 Brooks Drive
Braintree, Massachusetts 02184

Dear Cardinal Sean,

We are blessed to offer to you our parish pastoral plan for Saint Raphael Parish in Medford, Massachusetts. We thoughtfully understand our responsibility as a stand alone collaborative, and embrace our role in the New Evangelization to create Disciples in Mission.

This plan is the collaboration of a diverse group of volunteers from throughout the parish, who have worked passionately and tirelessly to draw from various experiences within the parish. It reflects many hours of discussion and debate, information gathering and synthesizing, and most importantly prayer.

Our Plan Writing Team Members include:

Mary Brennan                        Bill Caddigan                  Ralph DeNisco                  Kaitlyn Feeney    
Rosemarie Giovino  
           Katie LeLacheur            Aaron Lindaman               Jackie Madigan
Frank O'Leary                        Maria Scott                     Alisa Simmons                   Ryan Stewart
Kathy Travers

We also recognize and thank Chris Donoghue, Evangelization Consultant from the Archdiocese of Boston and Jen DeNisco, Saint Raphael Parish Disciples in Mission Coordinator for their guidance throughout this process.

Saint Raphael Parish has continually been a vibrant and engaged community of believers, but even with this, we recognize our ability to grow and improve as a people of faith. Our pastoral plan highlights four goal areas on which to focus over the next three years, while we continue to do our best in every aspect of parish life.

As with any endeavor, prayer must be the first and most focal point of accomplishing our goals. For without the guidance and blessing of Jesus Christ, we would be lost.

We ask for your prayers, as we ask for the prayers and support from each member of our parish.

God Bless,

Reverend Paul Coughlin



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Monday-Friday 9:00am-3:30pm
Phone: 781-488-5444
Fax: 781-483-3375

Our address: 
514 High Street
Medford, MA 02155



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